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TAGnotes Tues 25 Jan 2000 Vol 2 Number 15 Issue 98

From:   <tagn-@theauctionguild.com>
Date: Wed Jan 26, 2000 4:38am
Subject: TAGnotes Tues 25 Jan 2000 Vol 2 Number 15 Issue 98

The Auction Guild Notes for Tuesday 25 Jan 2000
We have moved the Online Auction Industry links to Auction Houses and
Auction Service Providers to   http://www.auctionguild.com web site.   
eBay has invited Nancy Rosin, vice president of the National Valentine
Collector's Association, to eBay's Holiday Board for a Valentine's Chat.
Nancy will answer questions about valentines and general ephemera   
(paper collectibles) 3 Feb from 17:00 to 18:00 PT   located at:

Personal Shopper is unavailable from 23:00 PT 25 Jan and 4:00 PT 26 Jan
for a software upgrade to improve performance.

There is also a long message from Meg about 4th Qtr 99, and eBays plans
for the future.   eBay currently claims 10 mil confirmed users, 2.8 bil
in gross sales made on their site in 1999, and 1.8 mil unique users
daily.   Using Billpoint, they plan on tapping a further percentage of
those gross sales, by providing charge card capability for a fee, to
sellers without merchant accounts, and eventually extending this
capability to the entire net.   The eBay goal?   to be THE global
trading platform of the 21st century.
http://www2.ebay.com/aw/announce.shtml Listings,   currently approx 3.82
* * * * *
Yahoo Auction Lots of great information here.   
http://auctions.yahoo.com/html/features/features.html Approx 1.62
million auctions currently running   http://auctions.yahoo.com/
* * * * *
Amazon Auctions – Penny auctions in electronics and posters, links on
main auction page.   Still no   follow   up   from Amazon, and no
posting by them on the chat boards. Customer service 24/7   Toll-free in
U.S. and Canada:   (800)201-7575
happenings/102-2649290-9020037 Useful contact email addys can be found
/002-4941393-2365054   Listings, currently guesstimated at approximately
* * * * *
Golds Auction Free basic listings through 31 Jan 2000. Features: New
Auctions, Apply Feedback, Free Hit Counters, Free Auto Relist,   Gold's
Top 20!New Feedback System, Personal Search, Custom EOA Message, Auction
Reminders, LowFees, Bid Block   
http://www.goldsauction.com/apps/viewAnnouncements.html Approx 10466
auctions listed now, and 300320 Auctions since 6/20/99   
* * * * *
Online Auction Industry (OAI) Chat The top sites for OAI chat are the
various eBay boards, AuctionWatch, AuctionPatrol, and now AuctionUser.   
There are dozens of other   OAI related chat boards, in fact just about
every online service provider site, and every online auction house site,
have them.   See the full links at http://www.auctionguild.com . The
top online sites mentioned, are   the ones that have regular traffic on
them.   eBay's boards, and Auction Watch lead the pack, AuctionUser, the
newest site, is putting on a feisty and lively start, as it has only
been open a few days.   These are great   places to go for information,
and the second step after reading   everything on the auction house
sites.   These boards are the   way to learn, how to get things done,   
how to avoid the pitfalls, have   questions answered by the pros who
have been there and done that, and   also supply the community
interaction for the industry.   A great general brain resource,
comprised of people who like to share their thought, opinions, and
expertise.   For a small group private email form of chat,   there is
always   TAGnotesOAIch-@onelist.com. eBay
http://pages.ebay.com/community/chat/index.html AuctionWatch
http://www.auctionwatch.com/mesg/   AuctionUser
http://www.auctionusers.org/links.shtml   AuctionPatrol   
http://www.auctionpatrol.com/cgi-bin/ubb/Ultimate.cgi * * * * * If you
would like an Auction House or Service Provider added to   this list,
please email us at tagn-@t... or TheAuction-@onelist.com.
Read past issues at:
NEW web pages for TAG http://www.auctionguild.com
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Have the most current information at your fingertips through our daily
email synopsis of announcements and changes from   the Online Auction
Industry. Subscribe today at-
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