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TAGnotes Tues 18 Jan 2000 Vol 2 Number 11 Issue 94

From:   <tagn-@theauctionguild.com>
Date: Wed Jan 19, 2000 3:24am
Subject: TAGnotes Tues 18 Jan 2000 Vol 2 Number 11 Issue 94

The Auction Guild Notes for Tuesday 18 Jan 2000
Please don't forget to let your friends and associates in the Online
Auction Industry know about TAGnotes and TAGnotesOAIchat.
eBay- http://www2.ebay.com/aw/announce.shtml
Listings currently approx 3.82 mil
* * * * *
Amazon Auctions as a result of a thread on the AuctionWatch Amazon
thread, we sent the following to Amazon, and have included their
response, We will follow up to see if anything gets fixed.
EXCERPTED ….Please accept my sincere apologies for the difficulties
expressed on this thread. I'm sure you know that we are constantly
working to make our site better here at Amazon.com, just as I'm sure you
recognize how important your comments are to our goals. I have forwarded
your email to the department that deals with suggestions, along with the
thread's URL:
We have always preferred to work one-on-one with our
customers as it allows us to maintain a more personalized atmosphere.
Due to this, we have shied away from chat boards or newsgroups,
relegating that to AuctionWatch and similar websites. While we unable at
his time to offer this feature, contacting us as you have, directly via
email, is the best method of communicating your concerns to us……. we
should have no problem clearing up these difficulties. END OF RESPONSE
suggestions: Please go read this thread. There are some endemic problems
that many users have, but they just go on and on. The folks posting to
this thread have really worked with Amazon, and have been firm
supporters, but how long will that continue with these never addressed
serious problems?

Your phone in support is great, but they can't seem to solve these
endemic problems. The one on one process also tends to aid in the
isolation of your users, as in being made to feel they are the only one
with these problems. If you read this thread you will see that these
problems are more widespread, and that your lack of cure is building
frustration in your users.
…… might I suggest you either start a support thread on Amazon, or have
someone come to AuctionWatch to answer questions and concerns. It would
make a huge hit!!! END OF MESSAGES
Customer service 24/7 Toll-free in U.S. and Canada:
(800)201-7575 http://s1.amazon.com/exec/varzea/ts/announcement-list/all-
Useful contact email addys can be found here
* * * * *
Yahoo Auction Tour http://auctions.yahoo.com/html/tour/qttop.htm
Approx 1.54 million auctions currently running
* * * * *
Golds Auction answered our email, and sent a link to the old User
Agreement. The changes appear primarily organizational and semantic,
with no drastic change in concept. Key points follow:
1. Providing false info on registration is a suspendable offense
2. Simplified detail as to what is and is not legal in listings
3. NO LINKS to any sites or pages permitted on Golds generated
end of auction emails
4. More clearly spelled out obligations on part of seller and bidder
5. More clearly stated rules for posting on message boards
6. More details as to what is permissible and what constitutes a
feedback violation.
Other changes but primarily in appearance rather than content.
Old Agreement http://www.goldsauction.com/html/agreement-old.html
New Agreement http://www.goldsauction.com/html/agreement.html
Features: Free basic listings through 31 Jan 2000.
Approx 9962 auctions listed now, and 290656 Auctions since 6/20/99
* * * * *
If you would like an Auction House or Service Provider added to
this list, please email us at tagn-@t...
or TheAuction-@onelist.com.
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