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TAGnotes Sun 5 Aug 2001 Vol 3 Number 86 Issue 347

The Auction Guild Notes for Sun 5 Aug 2001
Since the Red Worm attack cycle is set to go off on or around 20 Aug, it
might be worth scheduling auctions so that they do not end during that
expected attack time. The type-2 variant infects when the date is 1 to
19. It attacks on day 20 to 27. On day 28, it goes dormant. And on the
1st, it starts all over again. It is impossible to predict exactly what
will happen with this worm, but better to plan in advance. Also, it
appears that the Code Red virus can affect Internet users with an
EXTERNAL DSL modem (particularly a Cisco 675 or Cisco 678) regardless of
the operating system on your computer. If you have an internal DSL modem
or an Intel router, you will not encounter any problems. However, if you
have either of the two2 Cisco modems mentioned above, the Code Red virus
can attack and disable your DSL modem. If you are experiencing
connection problems contact your DSL provider to see if there is a
possibility that your modem has been disabled. Qwest DSL subscribers can
go to the following web page for instructions to reset the modem:
Participate in a Win Win solution. Support TAG and promote your website
Subscribers Ads $5.00 - Commercial rates available, email
ta-@theauctionguild.com for details.
The TAGnotes archive is available in a searchable format at
Interested in more information about TAG? Go to our website at
http://www.auctionguild.com You can find contact info for several
sites and services there, along with editorials and other information.
ebaY was up consistently over the weekend with short lived glitches and
the continuing list of unfixed problems found at
On 2 Aug 05:09:56 PDT users reported cgi trouble messages when opening
pages, cgi 3 was intermittent. On 3 Aug 07:51:44 PT users reported
network errors and 502 errors on Completed Items Search. On 5 Aug
12:16:54 PT users reported relist down, and it was back at 13:02:57 PT.

TO REQUEST REFUNDS from ebaY go to
Don’t take no for an answer; keep requesting until you get them.

For users having problems editing their About Me page, try using a
Netscape browser rather than Internet Explorer to access and edit the
page. Another possible solution, brought to us by a TAGnotes
subscriber, is to edit using Internet Explorer or even the AOL Browser.
Sellers have to wait for 3 minutes for the delay in HTML code transfer.
Once you open the page wait a full 3 minutes and then click on EDIT and
the EDIT page will load quickly and completely. The same applies after
EDITING. Make sure you wait 3 minutes before clicking SAVE and it

The Industry Standard continues its ebaY lovefest. For more articles go

To balance the media lovefest of ebaY, here is a more critical article
by a "The Street" reporter

Billpoint editorial on the TAG website

TAG has heard that ebaY partner Square Trade is having trouble.   
Information on some online chat boards say they have laid off 20% of
their staff, and users report they are resorting to auto charging
sellers for their $100 logo, once the trial period ends. They will
issue a refund if asked, so pay attention to when your free trial runs
out. We have emailed Square Trade to inquire about this info.

The endless problems with ebaY picture services continue. Decline the
ActiveX control if asked and choose to opt to not use ebaY picture
services. Bypass the process altogether by going to
This takes you to a listing page that skips over the ebaY image hosting.
Another route you can try is
And another subscriber provided alternative is to simply ignore the java
request and leave the window open while listing. You should be able to
list items though the applet is neither accepted nor denied. For those
who cannot use the listing page without the picture-services option.
Once your listing is completed, deny the java program/ActiveX and close
that window.

Pink Quote of the Day, from the ultimate pink – Meg Whitman, in an
interview with the Industry Standard, "But if we forget for a moment
that it is the users who list a million items a day on eBay; it is the
users who fulfill the packages, who pack up the material and send it
out; it's the users who answer the majority of customer-support e-mail;
the users who do all the merchandising and figure out what goods to
bring to the site – if we forget that for a nanosecond, that will be
problematic for us. So I'm really trying to have the company not rest on
its laurels. I think it's really important that people don't get too
self-satisfied." This from the woman who claims 30 million registered
users (not registered Ids but USERS) and a better than 99% uptime (as
long as you don’t count the 10% down time). Hype and lies and trying to
fool all the people all of the time. TAG just wishes she would REMEMBER
her statement for one nanosecond a day.    

Given the above quote from Meg, TAG hopes she is taking note of the
frustration level of ebaY’s users. There are several activities that
should send a message to ebaY that all is not well in ebaYland. The
previously reported Powerseller jacket auction (see TAG editorial at
http://www.auctionguild.com/generic.html?pid=61 ) is indicative of this
frustration, as is the latest in the boycott/petition ebaY movements.
And sites such as this one called Stop ebaY

As far as TAG is concerned, the most positive thing users can do to help
insure the online auction and trading industry continues into the future
for all people to trade worldwide with each other, is to buy and sell on
VOTE (venues other than ebaY) sites, in addition to ebaY, join
organizations such as the OAUA, and help build member owned cooperative
trading sites for the future.   And get everyone in the OAI/OTI you know
to sign up for TAGnotes, so that users can keep informed and make sure
all the information gets out, not just the corporate hype.

Community overview board –
ebaY news board - http://pages.ebay.com/community/news/index.html

ebaY categories with the category number

ebaY contact information including analog mail and email addresses and
phone numbers, regular and toll free, refund info and insider trading
info etc can be found at

ebaY numbers from the browse page show 5.55 million auctions inflated by
approx 6% netting approx 5.23 mil auctions. Reports from the field
indicate that these numbers are more inaccurate all the time, as the
number in each category does not equal the number of auctions actually
in the categories. Spot checks show an overwhelming bias towards
inflated numbers. On 6 Aug 2000 ebaY had approx 4.7 million auctions.
* * * * *
Amazon Auctions, zShops and Marketplace has new user boards. The new
boards link is at   
http://forums.prospero.com/am-sellconnect/messages/?msg .

Interesting article on Amazon and auctions – go to

Amazon live telephone customer service 16 hours a day
Toll-free in U.S. and Canada: (800)201-7575
* * * * *
YahooAuction has some sellers that are making sales. In general these
are Premium Sellers, featured in a special section of Yahoo, who start
their auctions at 99 cents or $1.00 with no reserve and reasonable
shipping/handling costs. Since buyers have a good chance of getting
some real bargains with these auctions ( but must also be cautious about
the possibility of shilling – a real problem with these types of
auctions) some sellers have a bid/sale rate of 80 to 90%. Those premier
sellers who offer items at higher prices have bids more in line with
Yahoo’s normal 10% or less bid rate.

Yahoo can also be a good place to buy bigger ticket items, as long as
the seller is a participant in the premium Pay Direct program, as Yahoo
insures up to $3,000. providing much more coverage than ebaY's $250. It
takes some of the risk out.
* * * * *
PayPal is cracking down on sellers receiving their discounted Merchant
Rate. If a sellers volume falls below PayPal’s required $1,000 a month
in sales through PayPal, they are receiving an email from PayPal. This
email tells them to get their volume up or they will be moved to the
higher priced Standard Rate.

On 5 Aug, users reported PayPal logos were not loading on auctions from
06:06:09 PT on. This problem lasted for several hours.   
* * * * *
Online Auction Users Association elections are fast approaching. There
are four board seats open and the time for nominations is NOW. For all
details about how to run for the board, to have input to the
organization, and to be an influence for good in the OAI/OTI, go to

The August newsletter is out and available at

OAUA has put together discount packages for their members for auction
management services.    http://www.auctionusers.org/discounts-am.shtml

OAUA has posted a forum for their upcoming Annual Meeting and Board
Elections. Make a difference in the OAI/OTI, join, and participate

Interested in volunteering and serving the Online Auction Community?
Check out http://www.auctionusers.org/volunteerop.shtml

Live Chat at the OAUA -
Thur 9 Aug 7 - 8 p.m. EST - OAUA Board Meeting
Thur 16 Aug 7 - 8 p.m. EST - OAUA Board Meeting
Mon 20 Aug 9:30 p.m. EST - TRIVIA NIGHT with the TriviaMaster Steve
Thur 23 Aug 7 - 8 p.m. EST - OAUA Board Meeting
Thur 23 Aug 9 p.m. EST - OAUA Chat - Topic - OAUA Question and Answer
– Host - Karen
Thur 30 Aug 7 - 8 p.m. EST - OAUA Board Meeting
Thur 30 Aug - 9 p.m. EST - OAUA Chat - Topic - Chat with Ruby Lane -
Host Karen
Thur 6 Sep - OAUA Annual General Meeting, more information to follow
PLEASE NOTE: Many long links we post in TAGnotes must be
copy/pasted into your browsers URL/Address box in pieces, with no extra
spaces, to get them to work due to HTML limitations
If you would like an Auction House or Service Provider added to
this list, please email us at ta-@theauctionguild.com
Have any information for us? email us at ta-@theauctionguild.com
TAG Subscribers have often contributed to information reported on in
TAGnotes. Visit their auctions or websites.
TAGassist Contributors –



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