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TAGnotes Fri 27 Jul 2001 Vol 3 Number 83 Issue 344

The Auction Guild Notes for Fri 27 Jul 2001
ATTENTION: If you have opened an email containing the SirCam worm virus, it
appears that you should not allow your anti-virus program to automatically
delete SirCam. Deleting the file before performing certain steps will make
portions of your system inoperable. There are two2 sites that outline the
process in detail... Both have specialized tools for dealing with this
particular virus. Review the sites before you hit the delete button.
Participate in a Win Win solution. Support TAG and promote your website
Subscribers Ads $5.00 - Commercial rates available, email
ta-@theauctionguild.com for details.
The TAGnotes archive is available in a searchable format at
Interested in more information about TAG? Go to our website at
http://www.auctionguild.com You can find contact info for several
sites and services there, along with editorials and other information.
On 24 Jul ebaY posted at 14:45:05P that some ebaY features, including View
Item, ebaY Motors and seller search, were intermittently unavailable from
14:26 PT to 14:40 PT. Registration was not working from 17:38:02 PT until
17:56:23 PT

On 25 Jul there were intermittent reports of sellers receiving "Item Listing
Failed. You must submit your item within 24 hours of beginning transaction."
messages. ebaY posted about this problem at 16:34:30 PDT but users reported
it for much of the day. Resubmitting the item two or three times would
sometimes work. Users also continued to report problems with Mister Lister
submissions to the stores, with some listings showing up as 30 day auctions.
There also still appears to be a problem with 10 day auctions disappearing
from search after 7 days. Sellers should check their auctions and store
listings to insure they post properly and are available for the proper
amount of time.

On 26 Jul 10:34:34 PT users reported that revise was not working properly in
stores. It was showing the wrong category for the item, and showing the
wrong category when revising.   A work around posted by a knowledgeable
power seller was to go into the source code for the eBayISAPI.dll file. Find
the StoreDeptID. Change the OPTION VALUE to be one less than the number
shown. Force the DLL to load, then confirm.

ebaY took the site down for regularly scheduled maintenance on Friday 27 Jul
from 01:00 PT until 03:00 PT, and was back at 03:30. At 06:36:35 users
reported My ebaY intermittently down. At 08:56:06 PT the continuing problem
with revise coding was noted as having not been fixed. Users posted at
11:28:30 PT that add to description was not working, and there were also
problems with revise. At 13:45:53 PT users reported the good news that the
flash banner ads were no longer appearing on the auction listing pages.

TO REQUEST REFUNDS from ebaY go to
Don¹t take no for an answer; keep requesting until you get them.

ebaY has once again revised its links policy. They acknowledged that the
restriction limiting only a logo or text to credit certain third party
services is not sufficient to effectively describe those services to
bidders. ebaY is changing the policy and will now allow third party payment
services, third party dispute resolution and verification services to use
both a logo (88x33 pixels) and text (10 words, HTML font size 3) to credit
their company. However, only the logo or the text may be an active link
(clickable). They are also now allowing more than one link from the View
Item page to the sellers About Me page. Please note that these links may
only point to the About Me page of the seller offering the item. Sellers
may not reference a web site or promote items within this link, only. For
example, you would not be allowed to have a link to your About Me page that
said "click here to get to my About Me page, where you may link to my

Having problems with flashing ads when you use your back button? The
solution can be found at.

ebaY is launching a program to help big merchants identify auction-software
providers to help them with the online-auction process. The program¹s first
participant is AuctionWatch Inc. AuctionWatch recently announced a set of
services catering to high-volume sellers.

Article on ebaY and how its focus is now retail

For users having problems editing their About Me page, try using a Netscape
browser rather than Internet Explorer to access and edit the page. Another
possible solution, brought to us by a TAGnotes subscriber, is to edit using
Internet Explorer or even the AOL Browser. Sellers have to wait out the 3
minute delay in HTML code transfer. Once you open the page wait a full 3
minutes and then click on EDIT and the EDIT page will load quickly and
completely. The same applies after EDITING. Make sure you wait 3 minutes
before clicking SAVE and it works.

Billpoint editorial on the TAG website

The endless problems with ebaY picture services continue. Decline the
ActiveX control if asked and choose to opt to not use ebaY picture services.
Bypass the process altogether by going to
This takes you to a listing page that skips over the ebaY image hosting.
Another route you can try is

ebaY categories with the category number
ebaY contact information including analog mail and email addressesand phone
numbers, regular and toll free, refund info and insider trading info etc can
be found at
* * * * *
Amazon Auctions, zShops and Marketplace has new user boards. The new boards
link is at   http://forums.prospero.com/am-sellconnect/messages/?msg
The old links are no longer valid, and the new boards still have glitches
and appear very slow.
Amazon live telephone customer service 16 hours a day
Toll-free in U.S. and Canada: (800)201-7575
* * * * *
eHammer has added a column by Wayne Mattox called "Antique Talk". This
month¹s column is, ŒABC¹s of Antiques¹. eHammer offers links to sellers
websites from the auction listing, a free reserve option, free relist of
unsold items and flat fee options for unlimited monthly usage.

They have also added a scheduler for auctions, so you can list when you want
and select an ending time for your auctions. They also have chat rooms for
user to user support, information sharing, and customer service. A small
site specializing in antiques and collectibles, eHammer has one of the
better bid and sell through rates.
* * * * *
AuctionWeiser is virtually a new site, and was recently revamped and
reopened for business. The theme behind the site appears to be to provide
the features of a home page ­ financial links, greetings cards, free
websites, web ring link exchange, etc AND a place to buy and market goods,
through auctions, want ads, reverse auctions and shops.

Fees: Listing ­ None, Featured Listing - $5.95, Listing Banner (Short
Description) - .75, Showcase Listing - $9.95, Reverse Auction Option ­
None, Classified Auction Option - $1.00, Haggler Auction Option - $1.00, Bid
Find Key Word Search Listing ­ None,
There is a 3% commission fee on all sales.

Shops http://www.Auctionweiser.com/General/GoldShop.htm
Assurance program - if you are a winning bidder on any auction from an
approved Auctionweiser.com Vendor, Auctionweiser.com will either refund the
purchased price, or have the vendor send you a new product

A valid email address is needed to register to buy, a charge card is
required to sell. There are currently fewer than 400 items on the site
primarily lists of domain names for sale.    No evidence of any bidding or
buying activity
* * * * *
Free or low fee image hosting - Usually the best place to get free space is
to use your own ISP as most ISPs provide free space for their users. You
can use an upload utility such as Ipswitch Ws_FTP or Cute FTP - or for the
MAC - Fetch. Or use one of these services
http://www.auctionimage.com- WebTV friendly
http://www.baypal.com/ - WebTV friendly
Please check all the sites rules and fees before you transfer large amounts
of images. We can¹t keep up with changes and would appreciate updates from
our subscribers.
* * * * *
PayPal has let TAG know that they think they have the WebTV problems fixed.
There appears to have been a code incompatibility with an older version of
WebTV.       http://www.paypal.com
* * * * *
Online Auction Users Association has put together discount packages for
their members for auction management services.

OAUA has posted a forum for their upcoming Annual Meeting and Board
Elections. Make a difference in the OAI/OTI, join, and participate

Interested in volunteering and serving the Online Auction Community?
Check out http://www.auctionusers.org/volunteerop.shtml

PLEASE NOTE: Many long links we post in TAGnotes must be
copy/pasted into your browsers URL/Address box in pieces, with no extra
spaces, to get them to work due to HTML limitations
If you would like an Auction House or Service Provider added to
this list, please email us at ta-@theauctionguild.com
Have any information for us? email us at ta-@theauctionguild.com
TAG Subscribers have often contributed to information reported on in
TAGnotes. Visit their auctions or websites.
TAGassist Contributors -




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