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TAGnotes Thu 31 May 2001 Vol 3 Number 65 Issue 326

The Auction Guild Notes for Thu 31 May 2001
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On 30 May ebaY posted at 21:17:20 PT that they continued to have
problems with their new listing pages for the 6th day. The problems
are with list or relist using an ebaY picture services image. On
Wednesday evening, 30 May, ebaY put the first round of fixes in place.
Three more rounds of fixes will follow within the next 24 hours. For
those still having problems, try and access an older version of the Sell
Your Item form. Not all users will be able to access these links.

AOL and Compuserve users might have success by using Microsoft
Internet Explorer or Netscape outside of their services. Mister Lister
is also an alternate listing route that can be used.

ebaY will be down for regularly scheduled maintenance from 0100 PT
until 0300 PT on Friday, 1 June. Billpoint will also be down during
the same time period.

On 31 May at 19:03:57 PT on day 7 of the listing problems, ebaY
posted that as of Thursday evening, ebaY has made progress in
fixing the problems.   Three rounds of fixes were put in place and
ebaY identified possible causes for other issues that remain
unresolved, and hope to fix those issues within 48 hours. ebaY is
requiring users to download an updated version of their Active X
software for picture services and use the full featured picture services
if your system supports it.   System requirements are at
If your system supports full featured Picture Services, go to
TAG does NOT recommend using ebaYs full service pic services
because of the requirement to download ActiveX software. This
gives ebaY a direct route into your computer system, and capabilities
to extract information you may not want to share.

TO REQUEST REFUNDS from ebaY go to
Don't take no for an answer, keep requesting until you get them.

On 30 May at 14:11:49 PT, ebaY again posted about the linking
policy changes that go into effect today, 31 May. ebaY posted notice
of the changes on 10 May 10, and a follow up post on 17 May. For
the first two weeks, ebaY will only issue educational notices,
understanding that sellers are making adjustments to their listing
templates. Beginning 14 June ebaY will issue a warning on the
first violation of the policy and will end listings on a second
violation. These new rules apply to all items listed on ebaY including
the International sites, ebaY Motors and ebaY Premier (with the
exception of items listed in the Real Estate category.)
Policy is at http://pages.ebay.com/help/community/png-list.html

TAG editorial on ebaY's links ban, and what you can do about it.
ebaY Cuts The Threads of The Web? FIGHT BACK!!!
Updated today - more info, more companies to watch.

For sellers who feel they have not had adequate refunds, that ebaY is
restraining trade, defrauding sellers by not providing the services
paid for, or other situations not dealt with to your satisfaction,
you can file reports with The Attorney General of California and
also in your home state
The Better Business Bureau
The Federal Trade Commission
The Office of Consumer Affair, US Department of Commerce
File Complaint
The FBI's Internet Fraud Units
National Fraud Information Center
eComplaints http://www.ecomplaints.com/

ebaY is changing the category pages to a new format over the next
two months. The categories with new portal pages are:
Business, Office, Industrial
Dolls and Bears
Hobbies and Crafts
Jewelry, Gemstones and Watches
On 31 May at 14:16:41 PT ebaY announced that they had changed the
My ebaY pages again. They added the ability to delete ended items in
your "items I'm bidding on" table, and the ability to delete items from
your "items I've won" table.

ebaY's new home page is working but not launched. All links from the
page work and the new home page will permanently replace the current
home page at an unannounced time. The new home page is at

Gifs you can Use page, has an ebaY compliant About Me page
button, with the HTML code you need to add to your auction
descriptions to make it a clickable link. A lighter side GIF you
can copy and use is now on the website, as is an ebaY compliant
PayPal logo.   http://www.auctionguild.com/generic.html?pid=58

Announcement Board Marketing - (MAB)
Announcement Board Status (SAB)

ebaY Contact Information, analog mail and email addresses and
phone numbers, regular and toll free, refund info and insider
trading info go to http://www.auctionguild.com/generic.html?pid=17

Approx 5.07 mil auctions inflated by approx
6% due to double listings yielding an actual count of approx 4.76 mil
On 30 May 2000 ebaY had approx 4.41 mil auctions
* * * * *
Amazon Auctions, zShops and Marketplace

Announcement Board - http://amazon.remarq.com/list/16791839

Amazon live telephone customer service 16 hours a day Toll-free
in U.S. and Canada: (800)201-7575
* * * * *
Yahoo Auctions - In TAG's view, an amusing article on the latest Yahoo
Auction spin on their disastrous fee implementation. Unfortunately the
reporter failed to get accurate data on auction counts and sales and
merely parroted reported Yahoo and ebaY propaganda, rather than actual

* * * * *
Online Auction Users Association
Interested in volunteering and serving the Online Auction Community?
Check out http://www.auctionusers.org/volunteerop.shtml
* * * * *
Online Auction & Trading Site Co-op
Interested in an OAT Site Co-op?
Interested in getting involved?
Information on co-ops -

More action on the co-op scene coming soon!
Go to http://www.auctionpie.com
They host live chats every Sunday night at 8:00PM EST

Vintage Items Co-Op info can be found at
http://www.ali-baba.org./ and
* * * * *
Interested in Denial of Service (DOS) Attacks, Hackers and how
to protect yourself from having your computer used in a DOS attack?
Read this article - http://grc.com/dos/grcdos.htm
THEN get ZoneAlarm Version 2.6 FREE
***PLEASE NOTE: Many long links we post in TAGnotes must be
copy/pasted into your browsers URL/Address box in pieces, with no
extra spaces, to get them to work due to HTML limitations****
If you would like an Auction House or Service Provider added to
this list, please email us at ta-@theauctionguild.com
Have any information for us? email us at ta-@theauctionguild.com
TAG Subscribers have often contributed to information reported
on in TAGnotes. Visit their auctions.
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