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TAGnotes Mon 9 Apr 2001 Vol 3 Number 48 Issue 309

The Auction Guild Notes for Mon 9 Apr 2001
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On 7 Apr there were a few user reported infrequent glitches with
listing and relisting at approx 02:00 and cgi3 at 15:45:03 PT, along
with inability to open auctions to bid on the US site. Users also
reported that they had auctions that had not indexed since 6 April.
TAG can't emphasize enough that all sellers need to carefully track
their auctions and make sure they index in a reasonable time. One
way to do this is include a keyword in ALL your listings, so you
can search for that word and check if your auctions have properly
indexed in Title search, and also in Title and Description search
(these are two separate databases). There are many problems
and glitches with auctions indexing in both search databases,
with factors such as revisions, early bids and other things
exacerbating the problems. Sellers should use great caution when
listing 3 day auctions, with the indexing of these auctions closely
watched and ended BEFORE they close if they have not indexed in a
reasonable time frame. Sellers should request a refund of all
fees for these closed auctions.

On 9 Apr at 11:02:24 PT users reported "Network error Unable
to request URL from host cgi.ebay.netscape.com:80: Connection
refused" and at 11:18:56 PT "Network error Unable to read URL
from host cgi5.ebay.netscape.com: Connection reset by peer" At
14:34:50 PT users reported search down and that it was back up
at 14:56:59 PT. ebaY reported at 14:47:05 PT that ebaY title
search was down, and they reported it back up at 14:53:25 PT
At 20:34:24 PT ebaY posted that indexing for certain items in
Description Search were approx 24 hours behind. Title Search
was running 2-3 hours behind. ebaY was hoping to have description
search back to its 10-14 hour lag time in about 24 hours.

ebaY continues to arbitrarily NOT give refunds for items that were
relisted and sold the second time around. Sellers need to carefully
track their listings and relistings, know what credits they should
receive and make sure they received them. Sellers can no longer
rely on ebaY to provide them with accurate accounts.

TO REQUEST REFUNDS from ebaY go to
Don't take no for an answer, keep requesting until you get them.

Check your HTML before you post your listings,
Go to      http://watson.addy.com/
It will catch all of the common mistakes like unmatched tags.

ebaY has three redesigned category pages for Coins & Paper Money,
Stamps and Sports Memorabilia.   ebaY has a survey about these
pages at http://www.insightexpress.com/ix/showSurvey.asp?id=24288&

ebaY has partnered with other investors in providing $15 mil to
ReturnBuy Inc., a reseller of returned goods for Web-based and
traditional retailers. Once again ebaY is using the money they
earn from their sellers to directly compete with their sellers.
For an article about the investment go to

For sellers who feel they have not had their refunds or other situations
dealt with to your satisfaction, you can file reports
with The Attorney General of California and also in your home state
The Better Business Bureau
The Federal Trade Commission
The Office of Consumer Affair, US Department of Commerce
send email to - Caff-@doc.gov
The FBI's Internet Fraud Units
National Fraud Information Center
eComplaints http://www.ecomplaints.com/

TAG strongly recommends ALL users read the new User and
Privacy Policy Agreements (UA/PP).   Effective 15 May. Links
can be found at the bottom of nearly every ebaY page and on the
site map under community. For a summary of the revisions to the
UA and Privacy Policy, go to:
User Agreement: http://pages.ebay.com/help\basics\uarevision1-faq.html
Privacy Policy: http://pages.ebay.com/help/basics/pprevision1-faq.html
To view the entire revised User Agreement, go to:
To view the enter revised Privacy Policy, go to:

ebaY Contact Information, analog mail and email addresses and
phone numbers, regular and toll free, refund info and insider
trading info go to http://www.auctionguild.com/generic.html?pid=17
* * * * *
Amazon Auctions, zShops and Marketplace
Amazon User chat board

Amazon owned Bibliofind.Com announced that as of 7 May 2001,
Bibliofind will unite with Amazon.com through Amazon's Marketplace
and zShops operations. Sellers can no longer join Bibliofind.

Amazon live telephone customer service 16 hours a day Toll-free
in U.S. and Canada: (800)201-7575
* * * * *
Yahoo Auction has updated their billing page. Log in and go to

Yahoo announcement board

Yahoo site map.

Yahoo Contact Information
Yahoo PayDirect phone number

* * * * *
PayPal has provided TAG with a frequently asked question
and their answers, about their new debit card.
Question - Can sellers offer other on-line payment services in their
EOA's if they want to be PayPal Preferred?
Anwer - Yes. The criteria is that PayPal is the only on-line payment
service offered in the auction(s). Sellers can still put whatever they
desire in their EOA notices, including other on-line payment services
they use, so a user, for example, could use the PayPal Winning Bidder
Notification service to state another on-line payment option like
Billpoint or PayDirect, BidPay or Billpoint.
* * * * *
Online Auction Users Association
Live chats -
Thursday 12 April 21:00 ET - Chat with Ewanted
Monday 16 April 21:30 or 22:00 p.m. ET - Trivia Night with
Trivia Master Steve
Thursday 19 Apr 21:00 ET - Chat with OAUA President Jen Hassler
Interested in volunteering and serving the Online Auction Community?
Check out http://www.auctionusers.org/volunteerop.shtml
* * * * *
Online Auction & Trading Site Co-op
Interested in an OAT Site Co-op?
Interested in getting involved?
Information on co-ops -
Ideas for co-ops continue to develop
To participate in weekly live co-op chats go to
Every Sunday Night at 8:00 PM EST.

Vintage Items Co-Op info can be found at
http://www.ali-baba.org./ and
***PLEASE NOTE: Many long links we post in TAGnotes must be
copy/pasted into your browsers URL/Address box in pieces, with no
extra spaces, to get them to work due to HTML limitations****
If you would like an Auction House or Service Provider added to
this list, please email us at ta-@theauctionguild.com
Have any information for us? email us at ta-@theauctionguild.com
TAG Subscribers have often contributed to information reported on in
TAGnotes. Visit their auctions.
         TAGassist Contributors -





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