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TAGnotes Sat 22 Jul 2000 Vol 2 Number 107 Issue 189

From: The Auction Guild <tagn-@theauctionguild.com>
Date: Sun Jul 23, 2000 0:22am
Subject: TAGnotes Sat 22 Jul 2000 Vol 2 Number 107 Issue 189

The Auction Guild Notes for Saturday 22 July 2000
Try some of the other Online Auction Houses. There are a variety
of options out there in the OAI for Sellers AND Buyers.
For more information go to http://www.millionauctionmarch.com
If you have any information, ideas or suggestions please
email us at tagn-@t...
eBay at 12:42 PT on 22 Jul reported that they were having problems
with slowness and intermittent connection problems with Listings
from were11:55 PT to 12:25 PT. If you feel your auctions were
negatively impacted by this problems email bill-@e...
to request a refund.

Approx 4.74 million current listing
* * * * *
Yahoo Auctions has added more subcategories to their category
listings. If you have your auctions on auto relist in some of the
revamped categories, you will have to modify them before relisting.
Basic site information http://www.auctionguild.com
Go to OAI Site Basic Details from left side toolbar.
Current extrapolated listing count 2.02 mil
* * * * *
Amazon Auctions Basic site information
Go to OAI Site Basic Details from left side toolbar.

Listings total 770682 6 categories Extrapolated, 13 Actual,
11245 with bids    http://www.amazon.com
* * * * *
OAUA keep current on important to OAI users. JOIN the
OAUA today. http://www.oaua.com
* * * * *
In what TAG sees as a chilling decision, the FTC has ruled to allow
Toysmart to sell their customer list as long as the company buying
it honors the original privacy agreement. This appears a bit insane
to us, as Toysmart agreed to NOT ever sell the list in the first
place. This example of how little protection is provided by TRUSTe
or other privacy certification services is the prime mover in TAG's
objection to the ActiveX files used by eBay in order to use their
pic hosting service. In this case we recommend you write to
TRUSTe (who had certified the Toysmart site) and ask what action
they plan on taking on this issue. It also appears several State
Attorney's General, are also filing to stop this sale, so a letter to
your Attorney General would also be in order. To contact
TRUSTe via email send message to in-@t...

For the entire story go to
* * * * *
If you would like an Auction House or Service Provider added to
this list, please email us at tagn-@t...
http://www.auctionguild.com   http://www.tagnotes.com Please help
support TAG, click our banners and use our affiliate links.
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