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TAGnotes Thurs 6 Jul 2000 Vol 2 Number 99 Issue 181 |
The Auction Guild <>
Date: Fri Jul 7, 2000 3:18am
Subject: TAGnotes Thurs 6 Jul 2000 Vol 2 Number 99 Issue
The Auction Guild Notes for Thursday 6 July 2000
Help develop alternatives in the OAI. For more information go to
If you have any information, ideas or suggestions please
email us at tagn-@t...
eBay is conducting its scheduled maintenance and will be down on
Fri 7 July between 01:00 PT and 05:00 PT. As usual eBay expects
Search updates to be 12 to 15 hours behind on Fri and Sat following
scheduled maintenance.
There is a reminder on the AB about the special rules applying to the
Honus Wagner T206 baseball card auction now in progress. This
was reported in full in TAGnotes Thur 22 Jun 2000 Vol 2 Number
93 Issue 175, and can be found in the archives here
For more info go to
Billpoint in conjunction with Visa is running a national TV advert
featuring eBay. The commercial aired on U.S. television networks
starting with the Survivors show on CBS 5 Jul. This multi-million
dollar campaign is reported by eBay to be on users behalf to raise
public awareness of eBay as a shopping venue and to bring
new buyers to the site. TAG has not seen the advert, so will
reserve judgement until we see exactly what is being promoted,
and how. To try to increase use of eBay Online Payments
by Billpoint, eBay will waive all Billpoint fees through
31 Jul for items closed with a Visa card. For more info go to
Approx 4.34 million current listing
* * * * *
Yahoo Auctions basic information
Go to OAI Site Basic Details from left side toolbar.
Last known count as of 13:00 21 Jun 1.95 mil
* * * * *
Amazon Auctions appears to be having some difficulty with their
free relist feature. If you have listings your expect to relist,
insure that
you check them to make sure they have relisted.
Sellers guide
Buyers guide
Listings based on a combination of actual counts
in 12 of 19 categories and extrapolated counts in 7 of 19 categories
as of 26 June currently approx 873327 listings. Total ACTUAL
number of items with at least one bid as of 4 Jul 10721
* * * * *
AuctionWatch.Com has launched Version 1.5 of Auction Manager
Pro. It features
Manage thousands of images using a folder system.
New image management solution uses less system resources.
Most prominent v1.0 bugs have been fixed.
Users can customize the image bar to show the actual images or the
image title, file size, and dimensions.
Users can double clicking on the thumbnail images or image titles
to preview the full size image.
There have been some problems reported on the AW boards with
downloading just the upgrade. The consensus appears to be that if
you run into problems - uninstall version 1.0 and then install v1.5.
* * * * *
GoldsAuction as of 30 June credited all of our current user accounts
with a negative balance bringing accounts back to zero. If your
account has a credit balance they will credit your account an
additional $10. They also announced that in the near future,
Gold's will be getting a new look, adding features such as
log-ins, additional scheduling features for listing items, new My
Pages for sellers etc. They are also put off offering image hosting
in the near future, but will still consider it in the long term. They
will continue to offer sign up referral bonuses and free special
number listing enhancements.
* * * * *
OAUA keep current on important to OAI users. JOIN the
OAUA today.
* * * * *
If you would like an Auction House or Service Provider added to
this list, please email us at tagn-@t...
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