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TAGnotes Wed 28 Jun 2000 Vol 2 Number 95 Issue 177

From: The Auction Guild <tag@theauctionguild.com>
Date: Thu Jun 29, 2000 2:31am
Subject: TAGnotes Wed 28 Jun 2000 Vol 2 Number 95 Issue 177

The Auction Guild Notes for Wednesday 28 June 2000
Help develop alternatives in the OAI. For more information go to
If you have any information, ideas or suggestions please
email us at tagn-@t...

eGroups is merging into Yahoo. They still have not worked
out the bugs from the OneList/eGroups merger, so we can't
predict how much of a change or disruption this will cause.
We will keep our readers posted when and if changes happen.
eBay had another outage on 27 Jun for approx 30 minutes
beginning at 13:45 PT. The site was reported available at
14:35:15 PT. On 28 Jun at 14:12:54 eBay reported listings
were unavailable. A user could still use title search to access
auctions. This was reported fixed at 14:26:19 PT. End of
auction notices are going out late. No information as to when
this will be fixed was posted. If you feel your auctions were
negatively impacted by any of these problem we highly
recommend you contact bill-@e... and request a refund.

eBay has a detailed post about the WATCH feature. This will be
interesting when we compare it to TAGs WATCH feature survey.
Here are some changes they are making in the next few days
because of the feedback they received.
* They are moving the location of the Watch this item link away
from the bid paddle on the individual Item page.
* They are adding a Watch link to the individual Item page once
you Sign In. The link will show how many items you are watching
provide an easy route back to your watched list.
* They are combining the Watch list and bid list within My eBay,
as well as making it the default tab in My eBay.
* Later this summer they will roll out a reminder email system to
notify watchers which items on their watch list are ending within
36 hours. Watchers will be able to turn off this email at their

There is also information on the data and how it was collected. TAG
will post a detailed comparison on the TAG site early next week.

eBay Listings pages are going to offer a feature Related Topics.
This set of links will take you to related Categories and site
features such as Theme Pages and the Virtual Antique Malls.

Approx 4.4 million current listing
* * * * *
Yahoo Auctions basic information http://www.auctionguild.com/
Go to OAI Site Basic Details from left side toolbar.
Last known count as of 13:00 21 Jun 1.95 mil
* * * * *
Amazon Auctions
Sellers guide http://s1.amazon.com/exec/varzea/ts/help/list-an-item
Buyers guide   http://s1.amazon.com/exec/varzea/ts/help/

Listings based on a combination of actual counts
in 12 of 19 categories and extrapolated counts in 7 of 19 categories
as of 26 June currently approx 873327 listings
* * * * *
To By Two.Com is running a promotion whereby registered
members can send in a photo of their multiples, and the seller
selected as Multiple Of the Month will receive all basic listings
free for an entire month and their multiples get posted on the site
for the month. http://www.tobuytwo.com
* * * * *
Invenna.Com is getting ready to release the newest version of
their auction management software. Currently beta test
version 1.5 is available on the site.
* * * * *
OAUA keep current on the Banner ad issues and other issues
important to OAI users. JOIN the OAUA today.
* * * * *
If you would like an Auction House or Service Provider added to
this list, please email us at tagn-@t...
http://www.auctionguild.com   http://www.tagnotes.com Please help
support TAG, click our banners and use our affiliate links.
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