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TAGnotes Sat 15 Apr 2000 Vol 2 Number 60 Issue 142

From: The Auction Guild <tagn-@theauctionguild.com>
Date: Tue Apr 18, 2000 2:25am
Subject: TAGnotes Sat 15 Apr 2000 Vol 2 Number 60 Issue 142

The Auction Guild Notes for Monday 17 Apr 2000
Help Support TAGnotes, get two friends to sign up today
For OAI links visit our website http://www.theauctionguild.com
eBay in their ongoing system glitches, during the last two weeks,
continues to have search problems. As of 17:10 PT, completed search
is running behind by approximately two days. It is current through
15 April 23:58:24 PT.

Listings, currently approx 4.2mil
* * * * *
Yahoo Auctions To see the base information and latest offers use
this link € '¶ http://www.auctionguild.com/generic.html;
Approx 1.96 million auctions currently running
* * * * *
Amazon Auctions has caused a major disruption to their site by
changing the default setting on search to 'hot items' rather than
'closing soon'. If you do not notice this aberration and correct
for it by setting to the 'closing soon' option, the results that
come up in search appear to have no discernable order. There has
been much talk about this on the chat boards, and TAG agrees that
it needs to be changed back NOW. We have written and called
and were promised a call back both from a customer service
supervisor, and by the auction PR person at Corporate. So far
we have had no call backs, but will keep our readers updated.
TAG recommends all Amazon users email or call Amazon with
your opinion about this issue.
To see the base information and latest offers
use this link € '¶ http://www.auctionguild.com/generic.html;
* * * * *
GoldsAuction was having problems with member account balances
for about half an hour. They fixed the problem and are requesting
that users check their accounts to check their accuracy, and if you
think your balance is still not correct, email

There were difficulties with users editing their MyPage. Golds has
fixed the problem, but if you continue to have problems, email

Listings, currently approx 8860
* * * * *
AuctionWatch has added a service they call Universal Registration.
This allows you to register at multiple auction sites directly from
the AuctionWatch site. You can also use Universal Registration to
your registration information in one location. If you feel confident
with their security system. TAG feels this would be much more
useful if it included all the smaller sites, that you don't use
frequently, those are the ones who are hard to remember.
* * * * *
AuctionRover is conducting a Seller Sweepstakes. Sellers get one
entry for every auction they list using ARs AuctionManager, one for
every counter added to an auction NOT listed through AR, and one
for every person they refer to AR who signs up for the sweeps. Prize
is $500. with drawings held weekly on Monday now through June 4th.
To see how many entries you have been credited with, log in to AR,
go to AuctionManager from the left hand side toolbar, go to
sweepstakes at the bottom of the left hand side toolbar, and click on
stats.   http://www.auctionrover.com/
* * * * *
Invenna the software Auction Management system for eBay
has a new beta download available.
* * * * *
AuctionDiner Looking for an OAI chat site? Auction Diner has
managed to create an environment where some areas are strictly
for peaceful conversation, some areas for brawling and some for
pure auction related talk. The moderator/owners are not afraid
to make decisions, not afraid to explain those decisions, or to
come make amends when their decisions are wrong. A refreshing
combination, with enough variety to suit many different tastes.
Everyone is welcome and you can find the best and the worst of
the OAI there. http://www.auctiondiner.com
* * * * *
If you would like an Auction House or Service Provider added to
this list, please email us at tagn-@t...
or TheAuction-@egroups.com.
http://www.auctionguild.com   http://www.tagnotes.com Please help
support TAG, click our banners and use our affiliate links.
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