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TAGnotes Mon 10 Apr 2000 Vol 2 Number 56 Issue 138

From: The Auction Guild <tagn-@theauctionguild.com>
Date: Mon Apr 10, 2000 11:28pm
Subject: TAGnotes Mon 10 Apr 2000 Vol 2 Number 56 Issue 138

The Auction Guild Notes for Monday 10 Apr 2000
Help Support TAGnotes, get two friends to sign up today
eBay had problems with the system, which went down at 00:58 PT to 1:07
PT on   8 Apr.   The problem was fixed and is being monitored,   but
this is only one in a week long period of problems and outages.   The
recoveries have been swift, hopefully the backup system is doing   its
job, and will continue to do so.   On the 9th at 07:59 PT, eBay   
reported the title and description search was running behind as of 8 Apr
at 14:25 PT.   This causes search results to NOT reflect any new items
or changes to items, such as bidding activity or price changes.   Title
Search (without description) was current as of 04/09/00 at 06:45:00 PT .
They then had problems with the completed search pages links, fixed
that with a patch, and then corrected the problem. At 07:55 on 10 Apr,
they reported that title and description search was still running
behind, with no new items or changes to items, such as bidding activity
or price changes, after 9 Apr at 16:55 PT available.   Updates continue,
but   it will take some time for the system to catch up.   Title Search
(without description) was current as of 10 Apr at 06:50 PT. Completed
search was also running behind with no updates about items that closed
after April 8, 2000.   TAG as always, recommends that if you feel your
auctions were adversely affected by any of these problems, request a
refund by sending an email to bill-@e....

eBay plans to unveil a new auto-related area during the week of April
24th. They will offer specialized features for eBay users trading cars,
motorcycles, other vehicles, parts, accessories, and related
collectibles. The following changes will take effect at that time: * 415
new categories in 5 major areas, new categories list is at
http://pages.ebay.com/community/news/autos-newcats.html   * 28 existing
categories will be phased information about this is at
http://pages.ebay.com/community/news/autos-oldcats.html These apply to
new Autos Categories Only * Gallery item is FREE when listing in a
vehicle category. * Gallery Featured fees will increase   * Optional
boldface and listing icon fees for vehicle categories   will increase.
For details on the new auto area pricing go to:
http://pages.ebay.com/community/news/autos-newpricing.html * 5 new,
specialized selling forms for new auto-related categories. * Mister
Lister will not support the new auto-related categories at launch. eBay
will offer bulk listing in these categories in   the future.   Sample
listing forms are at   

At 12:45 PT on 10 Apr eBay announced that Billpoint is now available   
to all eBay users.   Billpoint, gives sellers another way to accept
credit cards from buyers online.   Billpoint is integrated into Sell
Your Item, View Item, Search, My eBay and Mister Lister. To get sellers
to use Billpoint, eBay will waive all Billpoint seller fees for auctions
closed with a Visa card (ONLY Visa) through May 31. There is also a soon
to be announced Visa-sponsored, contest for one seller and one buyer to
win an expense paid trip for two to the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games.
Billpoint is part of a strategic alliance   with Wells Fargo Bank. For
more information go to

Other FREE alternatives are also available, such as PayPal/X.Com, and
PayPal is still paying $5.00 referral and sign up bonuses to both   
buyer and seller. http://www.paypal.com

Listings, currently approx 4.3mil
* * * * *
Yahoo Auctions The offer to turn your eBay (or other site) rating   into
dollar credits to be used for purchasing special auction features on
Yahoo expires 15 April.   You can find this offer by going to   

To see the base information and latest offers use this link
$sessionid$JNIBZCYAAAAGJWGIHUVUTIWYZA4S1PX0?pid=5 Approx 2.16 million
auctions currently running   http://auctions.yahoo.com/
* * * * *
Amazon Auctions There are some incredible buys to be had on the Amazon
Auction Outlet Auctions. For example today we picked up a pair of brand
new walkie talkies, the new 4 inch 2 mile type,   for $15. plus $5.
shipping.   Haven't seen them anywhere for less   that $40.
list/auctioneer-home/ref=a_h_rb1_05_x/102-3009692-7563213 To see the
base information and latest offers   use this link
* * * * *
Gold's Auction had updated their incentive program.   When registering   
on their site, a new member will have the option to enter the ID of a   
current member.   Upon confirmation of the new member's registration,   
they will receive a $10.00 credit to their GoldsAuction.com account.   
The member that appears on the registration of the new member will   
receive a $5.00 credit to their GoldsAuction.com account. Golds advises
you to act in accordance with proper netiquette and not SPAM people,
when trying to take advantage of this offer.

Currently 8831 auctions.   
* * * * *
ManageAuctions is paying 25 cents per auction listed from their site, on
eBay.   Offer allows a maximum of 100 auctions to be listed. Offer ends
15 April, and payments will be made via PayPal within a day or two after
offer end. http://manageauctions.com/
* * * * *
OAUA membership http://www.auctionusers.org
* * * * *
If you would like an Auction House or Service Provider added to   this
list, please email us at tagn-@t... or
http://www.auctionguild.com http://www.tagnotes.com Please help support
TAG, click our banners and use our affiliate links.
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