Advertising Rates for TAGnotes and the TAG Website - Effective 1 Jan 2014
We are always open to suggestions from our subscribers on our advertising rates, placement and methods. Please send comments/input to
Currently 13000 active TAGnotes subscribers and grows approx 5 additional subscribers a day, and the website receives an average of 3,000 visitors a day.
Ads in TAGnotes are based on three tiers -
Corporate ads
for Corporations listed or large unlisted companies, major and mid size players in the online auction and trading industry, selling products or third party services and corporate or very large sellers - $250 per issue for a 6 line ad 60 characters wide including punctuation and spaces. Ad appears in first position at the top of the newsletter or by choice of advertiser, either immediately below the listserver ad placed by Topica or Yahoo Groups, or immediately after the ebaY section.
Professional ads
for Folks selling third party services on smaller sites, books, magazines, software or newsletters, small auction sites (under 100,000 listings), small web hosting, image hosting and web design sites, large sellers (100 or more items listed at any one time) and anyone we judge does not fit in our lowest level ad category. $40. per issue for a three line ad 60 characters wide including punctuation and spaces. These ads appear in the second position, either at the top of the newsletter following the listserver ad placed by Topica or Yahoo Groups, or immediately following any Corporate ad placement. Ads will be placed in order of frequency of purchase so advertisers who purchase more ads will get priority over less frequent advertisers.
Subscriber ads
for Folks who link to their auctions (under 99 items listed at any one time) or webpages where they retail items. Group ads that link to auction pages, or a group page (all members of the group must be TAGnotes subscribers) that in turn links to auctions. These ads provide a very inexpensive form of advertising to smaller businesses and individuals, and for subscribers who want to contribute to TAG and allow us to continue our work - $10. per issue for a 2 line ad 60 characters wide including punctuation and spaces. These ads will be placed in the third position, either immediately following the Professional ads or before the TAGassist credits, after the site reports, near the bottom of the newsletter.
We realize these lines may be very amorphous, and will make decisions based on our best judgment on a case by case basis. We reserve the right to refuse any ad at any time for any reason, and the right to determine what category the ad falls in.
Banner ads
on the TAG website cost $300 per month on the page of your choice, and in a location of your choice, but on a first come first served basis. We allow one banner per page, placed at the top of the page. If you prefer a page that is already occupied, you can either wait until it is free or choose another page. HTML banner runs at the top of the page, 480 X 70 pixels in size. This banner must be stand alone coding with all links for images etc going to the site running the banner.
TAG Website Directories
To get your web site added to our directories costs $35.00 for a one year listing in the Image Host, Auction & Trading Sites, Website Design and Host, and OAI/OTI Service Providers. The listings in the directory are in alphabetic order. They are text only, no HTML, though you may include a clickable HTML link to your site. The text may be up to three lines, 80 characters wide (including characters, spacing and punctuation). Contact us for rates in the and OAI/OTI Payment Systems and Escrow Directories.
For those sites with a directory listing, we also offer sites, a one month sponsorships of the directory page, at a rate of $100. per month. The Sponsor will get space for a Text ad, 6 lines 80 characters wide, or an HTML banner ad to run at the top of the page, 480 X 70 pixels in size. Text or Banner may link to the Sponsors website.
The terms and rates are subject to change at any time wothout notice, but all existing contracts will run for their term at their current rate.
We reserve the right to refuse any ad at any time for any reason. Proposals for longer term advertising contracts are welcome.
Payment is required in advance of the ad or banner appearing and may be made via check or money order made payable to The Auction Guild. Send to PO Box 154, Fayette, NY 13065 We DO NOT accept PayPal.
Please email or call if you have further questions.
The Auction Guild Inc
Want to assist TAG in continuing its work? Sign up for a voluntary subscription to TAGnotes, and provide support that will keep information coming to your email boxes and the lights on at our websites. To purchase a voluntary subscription, send a check or money order. If you do not want to pay for the voluntary subscription but still want to receive our newsletter, use the Subscribe email link below. Voluntary subscription to TAGnotes includes one free 2 line subscriber ad in TAGnotes. Help support our website and continued efforts in watching and reporting on the online auction and trading industry."/>
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