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ebaY Testing Phone Support

17 Oct 07

It looks as if ebaY is testing a customer service phone number being made available to "regular" users. The message shows up in My ebaY - The person who received this message it is a casual user of ebaY, buys and sells once in a while.
Dear users name (user ID):

As one of our most loyal and active members, your membership status entitles you to a toll-free telephone number to contact eBay's customer service directly.

We're here to help if you need us, so the next time you need assistance from eBay, you can give us a call:

800-717-EBAY (800-717-3229)

This phone number is only for members like you who have been invited to participate, so please be ready to provide your member ID when you call.

We appreciate your choice to use eBay and look forward to helping you make the most of your shopping experience. Please call us if you ever need a hand.


eBay Customer Support

P.S. From time to time, if we notice you are having an issue with a transaction or a problem with your account, we may proactively try to reach you. Please help us provide the best possible service--make sure we have your correct contact phone number: www.ebay.com/UpdateContact
If you are not on their "list" they hang up on you.

This first image shows the ebaY Trust and Safety discussion board thread list, with a detail of the thread listings.

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