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Disable ebaY Checkout NOW

The use of this code will disable the checkout button on the ended auction page. We tested it and it worked perfectly. ebaY removed the test auction from the database before we were able to test relist with it.

The code (NOT written by us - we are not that smart) when added to the end of an auction description box works really well and does not trigger any ebaY javascript warning codes - it very neatly disables ebaY's checkout button and shows up as -
"name of buyer" is the winner and may wait for invoice from seller
- with the 'wait for invoice from seller' appearing in what was the checkout button. You should probably change the phrase 'wait for invoice from seller' to make it hard for ebaY to search for this phrase, and you can make it say whatever is appropriate. This should help until ebaY fixes their code in two or three or so weeks.

<Script Language="JavaScript"><!--

function zig() {

var oObj = document.all.tags("input");

for (i = 0; i < oObj.length; i++){

if (oObj[i].type == "submit" && oObj[i].value == "Checkout"){

oObj[i].disabled = "true";

oObj[i].value = "wait for invoice from seller";







Just be discreet with it as it is probably ebaY illegal - because it changes their code and they don't like that. It is one of those things that they probably wont do anything about unless someone complains or brings it to their notice, and that is not very likely - especially as it only appears on the closed auctions. - Just make sure you immediately get the winning bidder email addy on each auction as it closes. We have only tested it using the sell your item page on ebaY, not using third party services or Mister Lister, but there is no reason to believe it would not work. Please let us know if it doesn't work with a particular service or tool. You also might run into a roadblock on relist, but if that happens, can be solved by removing the code on the relist and adding it back using a tool such as the add to description tool on Vrane.Com.

The more people that use this code, the less likely ebaY will end the auctions. If you know anyone of the large sellers who are not using Checkout, such as Home Depot or Sears, see if you can get them to use this code also. Make it impossible for ebaY to end auctions by having it on so many auctions, that their stock price would drop if they ended them all. If ebaY was sincere about providing service to their users, they would allow this code until they were able to make the correction on their own site.

If you are the writer of this code, please email us and we will credit you for it.